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Pet Transportation, Relocation & Travel tips when Traveling with Small Dogs

Our dogs are like our children. We dote on them, want the best for them, and often bring them everywhere with us. However, flying with a small dog can be quite the undertaking! There are ways to prepare your precious pet for flights without the stress.

Preparation for Pet Travel and Dog Transportation: Before you leave, make sure your Pet is up-to-date on all his or her shots and medicines. Traveling exposes your pet to different germs, so make sure you’ve taken him or her to the vet before your trip. Get Scruffy treated for fleas, and make sure he’s in tip-top health. Also make sure your pet is the right size to fly – many airlines have a 25 pound limitation for carry-on crates. If you pet needs to diet, find out well in advance.

Pack Appropriately: It’s the little things that mean comfort – for your dog, too. Be sure to pack a favorite coat or blanket if you’re traveling to cooler climates. Bring enough of your pet’s particular brand of food, as toy dogs are sometimes more picky than their larger counterparts. Most importantly – don’t forget to bring a leash. More and more airports have dog-friendly areas, and you won’t want to keep your pet locked in his or her crate simply because you forgot the leash.

Pet Travel Carrier: This is an extremely important purchase. Your pet will be in the crate for long stretches at a time, so make sure it is tall enough for the pooch to stand up in and turn around, but the right size to fit under the airline seats, as well. Include a favorite blanket for comfort, and be sure to acclimate your pet to the carrier well before the trip. Place your pet in it for short stretches, gradually working up to longer and longer periods. Take your dog in the crate on short car trips, and try a practice trip (to a hotel, or a friends’ house) to make sure there won’t be any in-flight freak outs.

Dog Travel and Pet Transportation in the Air: If you feel comfortable, ask your veterinarian about a light tranquilizer for your pet. If he or she can sleep through the flight, everyone will be happier. Give the tranquilizer a test run before the trip, as some dogs may become sick or more anxious as the drug kicks in. If it works, sit back, relax, and enjoy your flight.

When Panic Happens: If your pet does become anxious on the flight, begins barking or chewing, do not panic. Your anxiety will only tell your pet that there is something to worry about. Try draping a light coat or blanket over the crate – don’t tuck it in, ensure that air can still flow to your pet. The darkness may be soothing and send him right to sleep. If your dog is disturbing other passengers, ask a flight attendant for help. They may be able to place you in a quieter area – they are there to help, and have probably dealt with this situation before.

Most Important Advice of All!

Above all, do not take your pet out of his or her crate while on board the plane. This will get you and your pet in trouble with the flight crew, and if your dog happens to escape, it will be extremely difficult to find him in the cramped cabin. Wait until you are on the ground and in an approved pet area before letting your pet out on a leash. The airlines will appreciate it, and your pet will too – unfamiliar areas will only frighten your pet more.

Here a few tips from Pet Taxi LA regarding raising a happy and healthy cat.

When you get a cat, you’ll need to consider the costs.  You’ll obviously need food, and you’ll also need to plan ahead for vet costs, because even a healthy cat may get sick, plus they’ll need some vaccinations. 

You’ll also need litter, a litter box, food dish, and water dish.  You should also invest in some toys as well, such as a scratching post, cat toys, a pet carrier, and a bed.  Even if your cat stays inside, get an ID collar as well, just in case your cat ever gets lost.

As you probably know Cats are one of the cleanest animals and stay fairly clean all by themselves.  Although you don’t have to bathe them that often, you’ll need to give them a brushing at least once a day.  Brushing will reduce the risk of hairballs and keep your cat’s coat nice and clean.  If you are keeping your cat indoors, you’ll need to have a litter box in an area that is easy for your cat to access.  You should always scoop it on a daily basis, and clean it out once a week.  Cats don’t like to use dirty litter boxes, they prefer for it to be nice and clean.

Feeding your cat will depend a great deal on his/her age.  Older cats require two small meals or one large meal for the day.  Kittens on the other hand, require several feedings a day until they get around the age of 12 weeks.  Cats that are between three and six months of age need to be fed three times a day.  Canned food can be fed to cats, although any food that has been left out longer than 30 minutes need to be disposed of.  Canned food can get expensive fast, and you should always keep in mind that some may need to be thrown away when you buy it.  Cats loved canned food, although it doesn’t have any benefits to their dental health like dry food does.

As an alternative plan, you can always leave a supply of dry food out for your cat.  When you give your cat dry food, you should always make sure that he has enough water.  Dry food costs less than canned food, and it can also help to prevent the buildup of tartar on your cat’s teeth.  When you buy dry food, you should always look in terms of health and benefits, and stay away from generic food.  Even though generic food may be cheaper, it may not offer the nutrients your pet needs.

If you own a kitten, you should only give you kitten food designed for him.  You’ll also need to clean and refill his water dish every day.  Even though kittens and adult cats like cow’s milk, you should avoid giving it to them as it can cause diarrhea.  Treats are fine on occasion, although too many of them can cause your pet to get fat.  Feeding your kitten human food is good on occasion, although you may have to mix it in with his cat food.

Although cats do require some work, they are great pets that will provide you with years and years of companionship.  As long as you take care of your cat and take him to the vet for his checkups, he should remain healthy.  Even though cats can get sick from time to time – knowing how to care for him will make a world of difference in having a healthy cat.

 Please visit Pet Taxi Los Angeles and Cat Sitting Los Angeles for more info

Please visit Cat Sitters Los Angeles for expert Safe & Caring cat sitting services. We offer wonderful, loving care because we realize that being away from home can be a very frightening experience for your cats. That is why we believe your cats staying in the comfort & safety of their own home while you are away will provide a pleasant and much less-stressful experience for both you and them. While you are away, we bring our wealth of experience to them along with plenty of Love and Affection for you cats.

Here is a great article when searching for a Cat Sitter in your area.

So You’ve Got a New Pet Sitter!

 – By Mary Shaw

You just hired a new pet sitter. You have checked the sitter’s references, and he or she comes very highly recommended. But you’re still worried, and that’s natural.

Having a new pet sitter care for your pets for the first time can be stressful for all involved. But by doing your homework upfront, you can make this the start of a long and mutually rewarding relationship. Your pet sitter will appreciate the effort, and your pets will thank you as well!

Below are some tips.

Get Acquainted.

Before you leave your pets in the care of a new sitter, invite the sitter into your home for a visit. Get to know him or her. See how comfortable you are with this new person in your life, and try to get a feel for the chemistry between the sitter and your pets.

If something about the new sitter makes you feel uneasy, or if your pets seem uncomfortable with him or her, you might want to look for someone else to care for your pets. In matters as important as this, it is wise to trust your instincts.

Make Your Expectations Clear.

When you meet with the sitter initially, be very clear in communicating your needs and expectations. Here are some sample topics that you’ll want to discuss and agree on:

  • Live-in vs. Commuting: Some pet owners prefer that the sitter stay and their home and house sit while pet sitting, especially during longer trips. Other pet owner (especially cat owners without higher-maintenance dogs) simply look for someone to drop by once or twice per day to feed and water the pets, exercise them if needed, tend to the litter boxes, etc. Be sure that your new sitter knows what you expect in this regard, and is comfortable with the arrangement.
  • Payment: Make sure that you and your new sitter have discussed payment arrangements and have agreed to all terms, preferably in writing. Be sure to settle on the per-day or per-visit fee, amount to be paid in advance (if any), terms for final payment, etc.
  • House Rules: Whether or not your sitter will be living at your home while you are away, let him or her know what your expectations are regarding use of your home and your appliances, food, and so on. Also set terms for visitation by the sitter’s friends.

Leave Detailed Instructions.

Make sure that the sitter has complete instructions regarding the care and feeding of each of your pets. Here are some examples the types of information you might want to include:

  • Feeding: Provide feeding instructions for each pet, including who, when, where, what, and how; for example: What are your preferred feeding times? Where should the food be placed? What food should be given to each pet? What should the sitter do if multiple pets compete for food? Should the sitter wait around until the food is gone and then clean up the dishes immediately, or should the food be left out unattended for the evening or overnight?
  • Medication: If a pet is on medication, leave complete instructions for administering the medication; for example: Where is the medication stored? At what time(s) each day is the medication given? What is the dosage? How is the medication administered? If possible, demonstrate the process to your new sitter during your initial visit, and, if possible, have the sitter administer the medication in your presence at least once before you leave.
  • Exercise: Provide detailed instructions for exercising your pets. How often should your dogs be walked? How should the sitter clean up after the dogs? Should your cats to have interactive playtime each day?
  • Household Tasks: Provide detailed instructions for routine household maintenance tasks. How often should the litter box be cleaned, and how? Where should the daily mail be placed? Will you want your sitter to take out the garbage? If the phone rings, should the sitter answer it? Also, if your home has a burglar alarm system, ensure that your sitter is properly trained in how to operate it and what to do in the case of a false alarm.

Provide Contact Information

Hopefully nothing will go wrong while you are away. But it’s best to be prepared. Be sure to provide your sitter with emergency contact information, including the following:

  • Your Whereabouts: Provide your sitter with your detailed itinerary, including hotel contact information and cell phone numbers.
  • Local Contacts: Provide your sitter with the names and phone numbers of at least one local contact who can help in an emergency. This can be a local relative, a trusted neighbor, or a close friend.
  • Veterinarian: Be sure to provide your sitter with your veterinarian’s name, address, and phone number. Also, if your veterinarian uses an after-hours emergency service, provide contact information for that service as well.

Don’t Worry!

If you’ve followed the guidelines above, chances are good that your pets will be well cared for in your absence.

It won’t hurt to call your pet sitter once or twice while you are away, but don’t overdo it. If you’ve done your homework, you, your pets, and the sitter can all have a relatively stress-free time while you are away.  

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